Calculating Storage Requirements for Vaccines
Bidiyo Masu Dangataka
    Gudanar da kayan aiki

    Estimating the Quantity of Safe-Injection Equipment

    Gudanar da kayan aiki

    Estimating Vaccine Needs by Target Population

    Kayan samar da sanyi

    Nau'ukan firji 3 da ake samu a cibiyoyin kiwon lafiya

    Gudanar da kayan aiki

    Determining the Best Method for Estimating Vaccine Needs

    Gudanar da kayan aiki

    Managing Storage Requirements for Safe-Injection Equipment

Abubuwan amfani

To determine if your cold chain storage capacity is sufficient, you will need to calculate the storage requirements for vaccines and the storage capacity of your existing cold chain equipment. If the storage volume required for your vaccines is greater than your existing cold chain storage capacity, you have a capacity issue that will need to be addressed.